Kimberly Clarke

45 years living and working with horses. Over 30 years of client program work. 25 years developing farm retreat centers. Alignment with my intuitive and energetic ability to self heal and lead others into their own healing path.

What do I "do" with horses, is not so much about doing, and a whole lot more about creating a space to be okay with being with their feelings.

Meet the Team

#healingwithhorses #horsemedicine #horsewisdom #equineguidedcoaching #equinefacilitatedlearning

It just happens to be a lot easier, in an arena, surrounded by big hearted sentient beings who make your heart beat a little bit wider, slower, and softer = horses.

My background is a blend of extensive training in somatic therapies, life coaching, emotional release work (myofascial) and spending a lifetime immersed in the world of the horse and learning to listen to horses and help people better understand them. I have lived with horses 45 years. I have had business clients for wellness, stress management and growth learning programs working with horses as conduits to learning for 35 years.

I hold space with horses. Horses do not heal anyone. God does. Healing happens in spirit interventions. Horses invite people to slow down. To feel what they're actually feeling. To pay attention. To listen to their instincts. They hone in on your real truth even if you don’t know what it is. Horses know emotions being held from life experiences - every one of them !

This world needs more spaces where it's SAFE to actually FEEL and truly express what they have stored inside. “Feelings Buried Alive”.

So that's what I 'do'. I create spaces for people be okay with feeling so they can actually heal = this IS what emotional intelligence training work looks like. Write your text here.